What is ADHD Coaching?

Coaching is a collaborative effort between a coach and a client that assesses where the client is, determines where they want to be, and comes up with an achievable plan on how to get there, while addressing any obstacles that may get in the way. The coach will provide encouragement and accountability, while monitoring progress, and helping the client make any necessary adjustments to the plan to help keep them on track.

ADHD coaching adds another vital element, targeting the executive function deficiencies that people with ADHD struggle with. The coach will help the client develop new skills and strategies to improve planning, time management, prioritization, motivation, goal setting, organization, problem solving, and self confidence.

Research shows that ADHD coaching leads to improved executive function skills, self-efficacy, and self-esteem. Instead of focusing on what is wrong with you, coaching focuses on what works for you. According to Psychology Today, "Clients generally report a high satisfaction with coaching and the ability to maintain their gains."

Who can benefit from ADHD Coaching?

ADHD coaching can benefit anyone diagnosed with ADHD or struggling with Executive Function deficits, including those that have some ADHD-like symptoms, but who have not been diagnosed.

Children benefit more when their parents are the ones receiving the coaching.

Parent coaching combined with coaching for the child is effective for older kids.

Teens thrive with 1-on-1 coaching, however, some parent coaching is still advised.

After coaching, college students have better retention & graduation rates.

Adults report a decrease in ADHD symptoms and an increase in overall wellbeing.

Everyone ready for change and willing to make an effort can benefit from coaching.

“Common challenges, such as time management, organization, goal setting and prioritization are often issues that medication or therapy do not address, whereas the focus of ADHD coaching is on building skills and taking action. Good coaching definitely helps people to improve their business focus, interpersonal skills and ability to get things done in such a way as to lead a more productive, fulfilling and rewarding life.”

~ Edward Hallowell, M.D. and ADHD Expert

Hi, I'm Jessica...

I’ve lived most of my life not realizing I have ADHD. I always wondered why everything seemed so hard, why I could be so motivated one day and completely uninterested the next, why I struggled planning for the future and when I would come up with a great plan, I could rarely follow through. It wasn't until my kids were diagnosed with ADHD and I started learning about it that everything made sense. It is amazing to me that I was able to accomplish so much, yet I never felt like I was living up to my potential, now I know why.

The more I have learned, the more I have realized that knowledge is power. Now that I understand how our brains work, I function so much better and I feel a lot better about myself, too. Is my life perfect? No. Do I still sometimes struggle with my ADHD brain? Of course, but not nearly as often and I no longer beat myself up about it. I have the tools
to overcome life’s challenges and I know how to use them. I only wish I had learned this stuff when I was still in school. It is now my life’s mission to help others.

I have years of experience as a teacher and more recently a coach. I taught in the Aviation Department at Gallatin College and at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. I am also the Color Guard coach at Belgrade High School, so I understand what it takes to teach and motivate both teenagers and adults. I am a certified life coach with extensive training in ADHD, executive functioning, mindfulness, and positive psychology. I truly believe that it takes all of these things to live our best lives. Are you ready to make a change? Let me help you flourish.


Why Choose Coaching?

An ADHD coach can help you understand why your brain does the things it does, work with you to develop the skills and strategies needed to overcome these challenges, and implement an action plan to help you get from where you are now to where you want to be. Coaching is all about action! We'll work together to find and use your strengths to create the life you have been dreaming of.
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